Future Events: 8-Week Group Programs - Life Changes: Learning to Release Stress - Tuesday evenings September 6 - October 25, 2011


Coming Soon

Like shock absorbers, our bodies absorb the wear and tear of emotional experience. Slowly these patterns of stress and trauma accumulate. Inevitably, if we do not become conscious of these patterns lodged in our muscles and cells, they begin to tell their tales.

Romancing the Shadow

All of our body-mind therapy sessions are based on the Phoenix Rising school of Yoga Therapy. This is an effective, client-centered, non-directive approach to body-mind therapy. There is no diagnosis involved. There is no prescription. The wisdom of the client’s own body provides healing.

A client does not have to be in good physical condition to benefit from body-mind therapy. Its effectiveness depends more on a client being present to what’s happening in their body rather than the physical condition of their body. Body-mind therapy may, however, enhance a client’s current exercise or psychotherapy experience.

Sessions include a centering meditation, assisted body movement coupled with open-ended, psychotherapeutic dialogue to invite a deeper experience of present moment in the body. Sessions conclude with an integration, during which the client has the opportunity to bring self-awareness in line with aspects of daily life.

A large variety of clients can benefit from this form of body-mind therapy, ranging from those who are seeking deep relaxation to those healing from highly traumatic life events. It can be successfully used in conjunction with a wide variety of medical and psychotherapeutic modalities in the treatment of depression, illness, injury, substance abuse, addiction, chronic pain, stress related disorders, and trauma related conditions arising from sexual and physical abuse. It’s also effective for pre/post natal support, smoking cessation, weight loss, family therapy, juvenile hyperactivity and special needs populations in school settings.

Private and group sessions are available.

107 Macartan St.
Augusta, GA 30901

Phone: (706) 823-7003
